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Dear friends,
Those are some strange times we find ourselves in, huh? We certainly feel the effects of it as well, being on lockdown at home, bored and not knowing what to do with ourselves.
But luckily, people are crafty and coming up with new ways to come together even as we are separated physically: brunch via video call, Netflix Party for that good ol’ movie night, and many services being made available for free to provide us all with some much-needed entertainment and distraction during these worrying and financially difficult times.
Here at the Owl, we too have been thinking about ways we can contribute, and so we have a bunch of news we’d like to share with you today:
The Pepper Prince Episode 1 Goes Free
We have decided to make The Pepper Prince: Episode 1 available for free on Steam. In the game, you step into the role of Hansel or Gretel as they venture out to bake the most bestest wedding cake for the titular Pepper Prince! We hope its cheerful silliness can brighten up your day a bit!
Everything Is Awful
If you remember, last summer we did a Hypnotic Game Jam, and we have just released one of the games that came out of it: everything is awful but at least we have each other.
We had originally considered it for commercial release, since it turned out a lot cooler than expected and we had long been interested in exploring dating sims as another potential avenue for us, and we still might! Definitely let us know how you liked it and if you’d be interested in seeing more odd little games like this in the future!
For now, you can play it for free on itch.io:
More Free Stuff to Come
Another thing we’ve long considered and are now finally going ahead with, is the release of all our smaller projects, our internal prototypes, experiments, and game jam titles, on itch.io. We’ve already assembled a couple of games over there and will continue to add more over the next few weeks. Be sure to check our Facebook and Twitter, or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date.
And of course there’s the games and experimental projects on our homepage, so hopefully you’ll find something fun to pass the time (my personal recommendation, brainfucked. I’ve replayed it myself recently, figuring out all those tricky operations again, it’s good fun if you like puzzley stuff!)
So enjoy, stay safe, and let’s all get through this together!
Your Hypnotic Owl Team